During a tennis match in 1987, professional tennis player Chris Evert was wearing a bracelet with inline string of individually set diamonds. Unfortunately the clasp snapped, and Evert asked the court officials to hold the match till the time her jewelry could be found. From that time, bracelets with inline array of diamonds are called as tennis bracelets.
In tennis bracelets all the individual diamonds are kept in square settings & are strung into a bracelet which is held together by a clasp. These type of bracelets are popular in formal occasions because of their sparkle & luster.
For these types of bracelets, one of the most important things to take note of is the safety latch. In typical bracelets the clasp is based on a springy metal latch which meshes securely with a hook. In tennis bracelets, designers add a safety latch that connects the small studs to others on the other side of the main clasp because of which even if the main clasp breaks, the safety latch holds the bracelet intact up to the time it is repaired.